Rau Animal Hospital:
2135 Jenkintown Road
Glenside, PA 19038
Fax: 215-884-8851
Mon - Fri: 8am - 9:30pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 3pm
Here at Rau Animal Hospital, it is our passion and privilege to be the guardian of your pet’s healthcare. As your trusted advisor, it is also our responsibility to keep you appraised of any potential threats to your animal’s welfare.
Please visit Prevent the Spread of Dog Flu to learn about how to protect your pets and to get the latest information about dog flu outbreaks. Our latest COVID-19 update can be found HERE.

Cat Illness & Disease

This collection of [term:name] articles has been curated for you by Rau Animal Hospital. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at 215-884-0453 .

Cats and Glaucoma: An Eye Emergency

Glaucoma is rare in cats, though when it occurs, it’s very painful and can lead to blindness. It can’t be cured, though sometimes it can be treated.

Healthy eyes have a balance of fluid and drainage. In cats with glaucoma, the fluid stops draining and builds up behind the eye, causing a lot of pressure. Sometimes the eyes bulge. Glaucoma also damages the optic nerve.

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What is Cherry Eye?

Have you thought about the health of your pet’s eyes? Chances are, as long as your dog or cat seems to see okay, you may not have thought much about it.

However, they can be susceptible to eye problems, and one of those eye problems is known as cherry eye.

This unsightly condition gets its name from a reddish mass in the eye. It can protrude from the eye and sits like a red bump in the corner.

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How Can the Weather Affect Your Pet?

Outdoor temperature plays a role in health from both an Eastern and Western perspective. A healthy body—whether human or animal—should be able to adapt easily to changes in weather, until it starts getting into extremes. However, if the body is already out of balance, your dog or cat may experience more inflammation as the temperature rises.

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What is Giardia?

It’s possible you’re not familiar with this nasty parasite or think it’s limited to foreign countries. However, giardia is a common intestinal parasite throughout the U.S. as well as abroad. Mud puddles, unclean rivers, even contaminated grass can all spread this infection.

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What Is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)?

Is your cat urinating outside the litter box? Don’t get mad—get him to the vet!

Feline lower urinary tract disease, also known as feline urologic syndrome (FUS) or feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), is a general term for a variety of conditions affecting the bladder and urethra.

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